5th Energy Transition Forum 2024 Distinguished Confirmed Speakers Include
< BACK TO LISTJohn A. Trenor
John A. Trenor is a partner in the firm's Litigation/Controversy Department, and a member of the International Arbitration Practice Group. He has a diverse international practice focusing on international arbitration and international litigation. Mr. Trenor has frequently worked on high-profile, complex matters involving negotiation with various government departments and agencies in the United States, Europe and other jurisdictions.
Mr. Trenor has represented companies, states, state-owned entities, international organizations, and individuals in a wide variety of disputes in the IT, telecommunications, oil and gas, financial services, pharmaceuticals, aviation, defense, and other industries. He has advised clients regarding commercial, investor-state and state-to-state arbitrations under virtually all of the major institutional as well as ad hoc rules, including ICC, LCIA, AAA, SCC, VIAC, UNCITRAL, ICSID and others, and regarding international litigation in national courts in the United States, Europe, and Asia. He has extensive experience in matters regarding public and private international law, including such areas as conflict of laws, extraterritoriality and jurisdiction, investment protection, state responsibility, reparations, territorial sovereignty, sovereign immunity, the law of treaties, and the law of the sea, as well as extensive experience in US constitutional questions regarding foreign affairs and foreign commerce.
He also advises clients on cross-border regulatory matters and is the Rapporteur of the ICC Task Force on Extraterritoriality.
He has published articles on a variety of international issues.